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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1792 reviews

Mar 07, 2014 by A.P. on Scalar Light
Unexpected Benefits
Hi Tom
A little background first
I was diagnosis with SLE (systematic lupus erythematosus) at 21. I refused medical treatments such corticosteriods (which was recommended at the time). I tried to forget that I had lupus for the first 5 years. After I had my baby at age 29 I started to really struggle. I revamped my lifestyle toward holistic and alternative choices. It helped tremendously but I would still relapse. Physical evidence that my body was in disharmony was my eczema flare ups on my face, 25 out of 30 days a month I would have a minor flare up. (In other words only about 3-4 days would be skin be clear) At least once a year I would have a major flare up where it would cover 1/4 of my face and would last for 10-14 days. But I never lost hope and continued to search for that one solution that would bring my body to optimum health one day

When I first heard you speak something inside resonate that this was â??truthâ??
I begin Scalar treatment Oct 3 2013 . Here is a journal of benefits I found

THE FIRST MONTH ( Oct 3 - Nov3)
In the 3rd week of the first month I have noticed positive changes ..

-A skin tag on my face has fallen off
-My tongue is less coated in the morning and overall my mouth seems fresher throughout the day
-My sweat after my runs are less pungent
-The whites of my eyes seem whiter and brighter
-of course my sleep, Iâ??m diving way deeper into the REM stage than I ever had before, which results in more energy throughout my day

SECOND MONTH ( Nov 4 -Dec 5)
I donâ??t have a lot of gray only about 10 percent, BUT I have notice about 50 percent less gray hair from there, so now maybe only 5 percent gray.
My skin eruptions are about 40 percent less often with flare up 14 days out of a month
I wake up VERY well rested with a deep well of energy

THIRD MONTH (Dec 6 -Jan 7, 2014)
I canâ??t believe I have less cellulite on the back of my thighs! Something I wasnâ??t even looking for help with :-)
My dreams are very vivid
My skin eruptions are about 75 percent less often from the beginning of the treatment. ( 7 -10 days I will have a minor flare up ) They are shorter in healing and less irritated
My run/jogs are stronger ( faster for a longer period of time )

FOURTH MONTH ( Jan 7-Feb7 2014) Female Hormonal Therapy was added to my Treatment
The first week of my fourth month I wrote Tom ..

"Itâ??s been a week since I signed on for the female hormones
Gee I have to say itâ??s been a rough week sleeping wise ..LOL
I know hormones play a large part in sleep cycles , maybe they are adjusting
curious if you are finding other females that are experiencing the same disruption in their sleep
Iâ??ll continue with it and continue to monitor any other changes "

The 2nd week of my fourth month I wrote Tom ..

Thanks for all you do
just completed my second week with Female Hormone Treatment
My sleep is back to being good
Again Iâ??m 48 and my menstrual cycles are still regular but half as long (3 to 4 days vs 6-7 back when I was young) and half as heavy
This month was like a a much heavy flow than I had in a long time ..which I like ! I feel like my body is more vital.

FIFTH MONTH of Scalar / SECOND MONTH with Female Hormonal Treatments ( Feb 7-Mar 8 2014)
I noticed my varicose veins are about 60 percent less protruding ..which was another surprise benefit I wasnâ??t expecting
My nails grow faster
I have a great head of hair â?¦..but â?¦.I have noticed maybe not as full around my widows peak
for over 2 decades, every time I wash my hair I collect a small wad of strands no biggie right? ..pretty normal for most people.
Today was the first time since I was a teenager /maybe early 20s that when I rinsed my hair not one single strand pulled out into my hands
Hormonal therapy for sure !!

My skin breaks out still maybe 20 percent of the time ( 6 days out of the month) but itâ??s more mild ( less red /quicker healing)

My tolerance for sugar , gluten , proceeded foods is at an all time low. Not that I really had much in my diet but now I canâ??t seem to even tolerate it at all
I wonder if recalibatrating the body to itâ??s natural state of health has anything to do with this ?

My intention at been to try scalar energy treatment for 2-3 month
But I believe the benefits to stay on longer are cumulative and glad I continued with it
I will be continue this treatment and track additional benefits

Thank You Tom , you are a gift !

Mar 05, 2014 by Barbara on Scalar Light
This is our 2month month with Scalar and I am excited because my joint aches in my feet are starting to go away. Looking forward to continued results
Feb 26, 2014 by Lindy on Scalar Light
Infected Teeth Now Well
Dear Tom,

I love your scalar energy and would love to stay on it forever. Anyone suffering with an infection should get this. I had 3 infected teeth. It was hard for me to chew or eat anything hot or cold, and I'd wake up in pain.

After your sessions its like I never had a problem.

Thank you so much. With scalar energy antibiotics will definitely be a thing of the past. I wish everyone could experience it.

Much Love, Lindy
Feb 24, 2014 by G.M on Scalar Light
First month review
Hello Tom,

thank You for the treatments and knowledge provided so far, I am more than happy to continue with Scalar Energy Treatments.

Few times I have felt some mind and body sensations during this first month of treatment, I believe that's Your work thank You !
My health conditions improved: my nose breathing is better since my mucous membrane is less irritated ( that was for last 15 years ), my gums in mouth are less swollen and painful, I feel satisfied with far less amount of food and my food cravings are literally gone ( thank You ), energy levels during the day are improved too...I still have toe nail fungus which is improving but slowly and I am sure it will clear soon.

Dear Tom thank You once again for all the great work, I am looking forward to talk to You soon at one of Q&A sessions in future.


Feb 19, 2014 by Jim on Scalar Light
It really works!!!!
Here is a testimonial for you!

My companion that I reside with signed us up for Scalar Energy healing. She did all the "homework" and told me what she hoped to accomplish by "investing" in this program. She is rarely, if ever, wrong, so I have learned to never argue with her logic and just say "okay".

To this very minute I have yet to spend any time reading and understanding what this entire Scalar Energy is about or is supposed to accomplish. I am in a very special class of consumer in regards to this particular "product"....I am neither for, nor against it. I literally had NO opinion concerning it at all. I just assented to be a "side participant", happily armed with the confidence that, should it prove "false", Kate would waste no time in terminating the connection.

We are heading for our third month of "sessions"....and this is my report...which I will swear to on a stack of Bibles reaching to the throne of God Himself. What I am about to report, I have no "rational explanation" for...other than Scalar Energy simply works.

If I have a SINGLE regret, it is only that I did not take any pictures of the major "condition" that plagued me, namely, an infection of my lower thighs with some sort of horrible "rash". The skin, on my lower legs, at times looked almost like elephant hide. It was truly hideous. Once in a great while it would itch and I would scratch the areas to the point of causing bleeding. I am terrible at taking care of myself, as kate would gladly attest, and I tend to ignore anything until a situation occurs where action must be taken. I have "suffered" with some form of this "inflammation" for at least 15 to perhaps 20 years. With the exception of a couple of remedies suggested by Kate, I have never lifted a finger to correct this situation.

I would judge my "condition" at least 85% cured! I have remaining what could best be described as a mild "rash"...or less on a couple areas of my previously affected areas. I am at the point where, at Kate's suggestion I will be applying certain natural ointments that will hasten the healing process, simply to put all of this behind me.

I want to thank Tom very sincerely...a person that I have never personally met or spoken to. In fact, this is the first response to him that I have ever done.

I am writing this in the hopes that if anyone has a condition that his Scalar Energy may help, that they will dare to sign up and give it a shot...but at least do it in a neutral frame of mind. Don't fight it, just let it happen. I trust that you will be as surprised as myself!!!
Feb 18, 2014 by M.M. on Scalar Light
Eczema & Cold Sores - Going Away
Hello Tom and group,

Some feedback for you ... I've had huge emotional releases which I am attributing to this work. I am also much calmer and as challenges present themselves, I am seeing it from a higher perspective and non-reactive.

Though I have been heading this way, I wasn't quite there yet, until now. Thank you!

As for the other cleansings .. I have suffered from cold sores for much of my life, particularly my young life. But every so often, I will get one now and can feel it tingling. Since you've been working with me ( 3 weeks) I have had some tingling and no cold sore. It has happened 3 times.

In addition, I had my first outbreak of eczema about 10 years ago on my neck/scalp and elbows. Since working with you, I did get a one day outbreak on my elbows and the base of my neck, though that hang around for a few days. Since this was the location of its first expression, I am certain that it will be my last. I'll keep you posted!

I am also an energy healer and would like to help you in any way I can.


Feb 14, 2014 by Z on Scalar Light
My Family Doing Well
Dear Tom and Patricia,

Thank you for the wonderful experience of the second month of scalar energy treatments.

We all experience a "cleanness" in the body. My mother and I can feel when the energy enters body - it feels like heat and tingling starting in the feet and legs. My children describe it as "itchy" feeling :o)

When Tom is working on chakras - my mother describes it as somebody lifts "a lid" of her head :o) - she is opening her crown chakra.

My mother (76) will have some medical tests (for heart, arthritis, cholesterol etc.) done in a couple of days, so we will send the testimonials about the results. She feels wonderful and full of energy.

My skin condition (basal-cell carcinoma) healed very nicely and cold sores are slowly going away.

My middle daughter had an experience of seeing her guardian angel (she is an indigo child) and was very cool about it. She took it as a fact! Now she is talking to her angel everyday! What a cool stuff!

My oldest teenage daughter has changed too...she is choosing healthier food, preparing her healthy lunches and bringing them to school, is exercising more and more....I don't recognize her :o)

Z., Denmark
Feb 09, 2014 by M.D. on Scalar Light
Wellness Increased

Thank you for treating me this past month. Within the first few days I noticed that I slept longer and more soundly than normal. Like ten hours without waking versus 6 hours with up and down waking. Consequently I felt overall an increase in my wellness.

In the first two weeks I noticed a clarity of mind and a stable energy level that otherwise flxuates due to my hypothyroid and low testosterone issues. Not an increased energy, but stable. I also noticed a reduced sugar craving which at times can be severe. I have been pleased with these results.

The following two weeks I noticed increased muscle cramping in my neck and shoulders without any physical exercise as the possible cause. This may be a result of situational work at computer that had me hunched over. Or possibly I ran out of several supplements that I use for adrenal health that may have caused additional stress in my body.

I sincerely appreciate your help. I would like to continue and will email you separately. You may use my remarks for your testimonials section.

Feb 05, 2014 by E.R. on Scalar Light
Hair Loss Reversed

I wanted to tell you that I have a testimonial for you.

I had been suffering from womens hair loss and was taking supplements that remedied it for me.

Well I have been guided to go OFF those supplements and since receiving the group scalar energy treatments from you. I don't need the supplements anymore and my hair loss has stopped on its own,

I KNOW that it is a direct result of these sessions and I will continue for the next 3 months at least to keep it up!

Thank you for offering REAL scalar energy for us to enjoy, heal and come into wellness.

Jan 29, 2014 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
33 Yr old Herpes Almost GONE!
Hi Tom,

You have treated me for 2 months (Nov and Dec 2013) for Herpes simplex 2 which I have had since 1980, about 33 years now.

As you know there is no medical cure for the Herpes virus. It is highly contagious, and quite debilitating. It is a retro virus, meaning it hides deep in the cells when not active. When one's immunity is low the virus will be active creating little blisters that are very itchy in the private area as well as aches and pains all over, just like a bad flu.

As I got older the frequency in which the virus became active increased. Every little emotional stress, and every time I'd be active physically I'd come down with a break 2 days later. Also, the breaks would last longer, up to 10 or even 15 days at a time as the lesions would come in 2 to 3 generations before the virus would completely subside.

It got to a point where in a 3-month period I'd be free of the virus only for about 3 or 4 weeks, making it difficult to work, and putting enormous stress on my relationship with my partner.

In the past (before losing my wealth to a bad investment circa 2008) I spent thousands of dollars on different therapies unsuccessfully.

I believe in Divine grace. I have been praying for years to find a healing system that will heal me of this "curse", knowing full well that finding the inner peace and love that I am is a first requirement. Then Spirit would guide me to find help for the physical level.

Listening to your interview with Sheila Gale in October while experiencing the worst flare-up I have ever had, coupled with a debilitating cold I could not shake for 5 weeks, I in my desperation did what I would have never done before...I asked you to give me a discount on your treatments (my partner would not pay for another "chase") - and in your kindness you offered me a free treatment.

The deep cough, and cold were gone completely within the first week. The herpes still kept coming, but was much weaker.

You suggested a second month treatment. For the first 3 weeks there was no break at all, then I came down with one blister which lasted 4 days only. That was amazing considering the level of stress I was in.

It is now 3 weeks since the end of the second month. This week I came down with one day of low energy, and about 6 or 7 tiny little dots (they look like bites) on my left inner thigh, and 2 on the right one as well as one on the hip. These are not my herpes areas historically. But after 3 days, they are almost not visible... only one day of low energy and those tiny little bite-size things.

Considering that at the moment I am going through a life crisis with my partner... this is incredibly good news.

Under these circumstances I would probably be bedridden for weeks. I can actually think the situation through clearly.

I am beyond grateful to you Tom. Thank you for answering my prayers, and being a messenger of health from the Divine realms.

Many blessings,
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