Testimonial Submission Form
Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.
The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.
The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.
The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com
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Pet Testimonials
We felt something every day
Dear Tom,
I am noticing a LOT. I have felt something every day.
First I noticed my sleep improved, is deeper and am dreaming more readily.
The first nutrient therapy day I felt very spacey - the only way to explain it is to say that I had an awareness of every cell in my body 'waking up' - it was a very foreign feeling and both my husband Rod and friend Rose who are also in our group reported feeling the very exact thing on the same day.
Very early on, I also had the feeling of a bladder infection coming on that lasted all day but did not manifest into anything - thankfully!
* I was hoping it was the scenario of the last signal a pathogen gives off as it is disassembled so wasn't panicking - I usually am prone to bladder infections and get them very easily so was very happy to see it went away.
On some days I feel I have more energy, but then on other days like the chakra cleansing, I feel a bit drained - which I attribute to the energetic shifting
Also around day 10ish (the exact day I'm not sure of) I felt a pain on my lip where I got my first cold sore about 30 years ago but have not ever had one in the same location (it was a very distinct little pimple looking thing above my lip that I thought was a pimple, I have never had one like it or in the same spot - until now! I had a small pimple cold sore pop up in the exact same spot, I drained it like I did the first time then put colloidal silver on it and although it was slightly inflamed for a day it did not blossom into a sore - is gone now.
I also notice on chakra clearing days I am aware of the energies â?? feel different than a regular day, I cannot put words to it but only to say I feel the shifts.
*I am very sensitive to energies as I do energy healing work with people.
My husband Rod reports to sleeping better, dreaming, feeling better rested - he has a feeling of wellbeing that is not the norm for him.
All in all we are very happy with the scalar energy - Thank You!
Thank you
Thank you Tom,
I have not really noticed much change. My emotional well-being has improved---I have been very weepy lately (my husband passed away a year and a half ago). A few days ago I noticed myself getting stronger. And I believe the Scalar Energy had something to do with it. Could that be?
Doing fine
Good morning!
I hope this finds you fine. Am happy to report to you that an actually healthy and doing fine. I would like to upgrade and also bring the good news to the suffering in Kenya but for now finances are pitfalls. All the same, am hopeful my dream will come to fruition.
Ulcerative colitis
Hi Tom,
As I shared on the Live Q and A, I have been bleeding quite heavily every day from ulcerative colitis for about a year. Starting on the second day with Scalar I didnâ??t see any blood for two days! Now there is some sign of bleeding again, though not heavy.
I wish Scalar could heal stress, as itâ??s been in my body/being from beginning of time.
With Love and Appreciation,
Thank you!
Hi Tom,
Thank you for the scalar energy sessions. i really enjoyed it and felt much better, had more energy and didn't feel as tired which is great.
I would love to continue with the sessions.
We are strengthened
Dear Tom,
We thank you for our inclusion in the Scalar energy session, it is a rare opportunity for which we are profoundly grateful.
On the 6th and 9th day of the Scalar sessions we felt terribly bad as if lifeless. Thereafter we began to receive strength day by day.
Testimonies: My wife had an infection on the buttocks while on admission but got healed. The shocking sensation while urinating also stopped.
I went to the hospital on 2/11/2015 for bleeding in passing stool and not been able to urinate and pass stool easily. The blood stopâ??ped completely on the 18/11/2015 while I can urinate and pass stool better than before.
Above all we are increasingly strengthened.
E & V
FMT Wow!
Today, is my first day on the FMT, I just had a HUGE bowel movement that decreased the size of my upper stomach.... it was crazy.... i looked at my bowel movement and saw a "clear" substance around the pieces.. i am assuming that is fat....could this be happening so soon? first day? WOW
Better now
Hello Tom,
At the end of the first week I feel somewhat better. I have had excessive gas and now loose bowels. I just thought maybe I'm clearing a lot of toxins. I don't feel sick at my stomach.
I have hope!
Hello Tom,
First, I can't overstate how much hope this has given me!
I have noticed a definite movement in areas of my internal body that were sluggish to say the least.
I have had more energy than before but still tire easily.
Some of my pain is gone!
I have been awakend by energy early in the mornings & have noticed that correlates to the emails I receive from you regarding treatment. This morning I was awakened by bright flashing & rolling light, it was in my dream & focused in my eyes.
I am looking forward to more treatments & continuing in the future as I can feel a noticeable difference in my being.
Thanking you so much,
Osteo Arthritis Pain Free
Hello Tom
Thank you for the Scalar energy treatments directed my way. On the first day, before I realised the treatments had started, I realised I had had a pain-free night which was very unusual. I have osteo-arthritis in both knees and have a lot of pain all the time as a rule. Some days are worse than others but today has been another good day with little pain although my knees feel very fragile and I have to take care when walking anywhere and especially on uneven ground.