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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Top > Female Hormone Program

Nov 19, 2018 by lou on Scalar Light
Hormone Therapy
Hi,I started the hormone treatment two weeks ago.
I would say I have noticed a increase in my drive and I am back to weight training and feeling positive
about myself.

Oct 24, 2018 by Shirley on Scalar Light
Hormone Therapy
Just finished the 30-day trial of FHT. I am 82 years, so it is essential for me to have the hormones. I could really tell the difference. It felt gentle, but effective. I am grateful for these 30 days of being more relaxed, sleeping better and pain free for the first time in many years. Thank you.
Sep 13, 2018 by A.A on Scalar Light
Hormone Therapy
The fht works wonders and I am thankful to Tom! My skin is radiant abd glowing. People compliment me all the time now. I have also noticed that my mood is balanced and I do not get irritated before or during my period. The heavy bleeding has stopped as well. I have subscribed to the recurring fht and live it!
Feb 08, 2017 by Andrea on Scalar Light
Female Hormone Therapy
I am 52 years old and for the last 3 years I have been going downhill, no physical energy, no mental energy, tons of deep wrinkles on my face and arms, sagging skin, just really aging fast. I knew it was my hormones but after researching I just couldn't decide what to do about it. Nothing seemed like a good answer. I had an appointment for identical hormone replacement but got scared at the last minute and cancelled. I was depressed and scared wondering how I was going to keep functioning the way I felt.

I was on a trip in Hawaii and my friend who was on your scalar hormones was trying them for a month and on the trip she forgot to renew so she didn't have them for a few days. She fell apart physically and emotionally, she was crying and super irritated at everyone. She was a total basket case!

She suddenly realized that the reason was she didn't renew her scalar hormone sessions.

She told me how great she felt and that now being off them she really felt it. I was sold, I ordered my first session and have been on them for 3 weeks. I feel amazing!!!

I was having a menstrual cycle once every 4 months and had had it in Hawaii. I didn't expect it for 4 months and it came back the very next month. That means I am younger!! My skin is tightening, the deep wrinkles in my cheeks are gone. I have physical and mental energy and have no need for coffee or other stimulants. I am beyond thrilled and will never stop doing these sessions.

Thank you Tom and thank you Jesus.
Jul 20, 2016 by Elizabeth on Scalar Light
Female Hormone Therapy
Just completed 4 weeks of female hormone therapy and the results are astounding. The 3rd week of adjusting to the treatment, the rising sexual energy, frequency and longevity was a welcome surprise. My overall mental clarity as well as physical sensation is as if the body is awakening from a slumber.....and I thought I felt good before the treatment began. I will begin the first day of the 2nd month tomorrow with great anticipation of continued improvement.
Jun 29, 2016 by Elizabeth on Scalar Light
End of 1st week of Female Hormone Treatment
My thought process has greater clarity and my energy level is greatly elevated. My hair even seems thicker....if that is even possible. I have had a thyroid problem since 1974, and thinning hair is one of the issues. I just look forward to each day and will note the improvements as I experience the new sensations.
Thank you Tom; you are a gift to humanity. I am so grateful for your contribution to a greater quality of life. May the world awaken to the truth.
Mar 12, 2016 by Joy on Scalar Light
Female Hormone Therapy
Hi Tom,

I have been receiving the Female Hormone Therapy for 7 days and as the week has progressed I have felt less tired and run down. I have had a happier more joyful mood. I have started having bowel movements on a more frequent basis where as before I was constipated quite frequently. In general, I am feeling awesome.
Feb 22, 2016 by Carol on Scalar Light
Female Hormone Therapy
Hi Tom

I took the 15 day free trial as I have herpes. I have had only a couple of small outbreaks since, so I presume from listening to you that it is eradicated but the nerve endings are healing.

This is my second round of female hormone therapy . I went to the doctor and had my hormone levels tested. They are way out of whack and I am losing hair and getting wrinkles. My thyroid was also way out of whack.The worst thing though is that I also developed uterine bleeding which is still happening. I have had an ultrasound for this but don't have the results yet. Since on the FHT I have not noticed much change. I had thought it would stop hairloss but it hasn't. Will the FHT help my thyroid? I am going to stay on it for a few months and will keep you posted. My other question is about the HGH that is in it. I was thinking that should help as well with even toning muscles and firming skin.

I need to lose a bit of weight so may take the FMT for a month later on, as I am not sure I should take it at the same time as FHT.

I will keep you posted.
Jan 18, 2016 by SW on Scalar Light
I feel fantastic with just FHT
Hi Tom,

I have definitely felt different. I was taking an herbal combo for female "hormone" replacement that I had to stop taking the very first day because I felt weird. . floaty, funny. Since I'm off the herbal combo I feel fantastic with just FHT. Lots of energy, feeling of vibrancy and stirrings in the cellar. Weight loss a bit easier.


Apr 26, 2015 by GM on Scalar Light
Fourth Week of Hormone Therapy
Hi Tom,

In the fourth week of receiving the female hormone therapy, I've noticed something again pretty amazing.

First, this is a bit embarrassing to admit, but since turning 45 a year ago I've notice that a few facial hairs on my chin were sprouting, ugh! I've been tweezing them without much of and issue. However, I notice they never grew back in this month, they are gone, not a trace. This is so cool.

I'm really looking forward to what changes the next month of hormone therapy will bring about!

Thank You.

With lots of love,
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