The addiction and chemical detox program brought on a Herzing reaction for me. Very strongly actually. I had a couple of days of fever and I am still working on feeling better. Obviously, I take this as a very good sign, being aware of what a healing crisis in the...
I completed 2 months of the scalar light fat metabolism program to try and get ready for fashion week in a healthier way. My side job is as a model and it can be really hard to slim down without relapsing with my eating disorder. For the first time I can remember, I...
Endorphins and neurotransmitters. I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder in my early 30’s. I’m now 58 years old. I have been taking antidepressants for the last 25 years on and off. Consistently for the last 18 years. The last prescription I got was 15 years...
I thank u every day for every moment on Scalar Light. I am changed in so many ways. What an amazing ” tool”, force. Why would anyone reject healing like Scalar Light? I would love to work with Scalar Light programs for you, forever. Tom, so many people,...
Hi Tom As always, thank you so much for the Natural Foods Program and for ALL of your amazing programs. I have two things to report on: 1. I feel far less hungry, especially in the mornings and have been able fast intermittently – for the first time in my life....