Well, I started Fat Mobilizer after answering questions from my 15 day free trial. I was enthralled to see what in the “ body healing” was going to happen next. My experienced with the trial was life changing, eye opening, amazing, gigantic, top healing ever. Never, have I ever had a protocol as SCALAR LIGHT. I have been changed. I now have more questions. Many, many more. How could we all not have that option to have it home with us? How could the whole world not be healed now? The Diabetes is serious. This thing is healing the most serious, broken parts of my anatomy. This thing from, I don’t know where or how, is changing/altering my anatomy. The healings were not just healing but correcting my Diabetic dying flesh by day 5 or so. Now I get Fat Metabolism treatment/program. Again, I am enthralled. How could the whole world dismiss SCALAR LIGHT?
Energy is my life. And I am familiar with different modes of energy. I’m learning and studying all the time about healing and energy. It is new to me. About, 3yers new. I was enthralled to find out how this intelligent energy was changing, fixing, my entire system. I was in awe of how this “out of the world” energy changes, transmutes, intelligent energy. I really did not know how in the world this amazing energy is not in every ones hands.
I wake up today and check extremities every day. I check myself due to the severity of my neuropathy in both feet and hands. I looked up the word to make sure I did not misunderstood what two words meant.
My results, my daily changes had me checking every part of my body. Every morning, I immediately could tell, I felt less stuffed. I felt lighter right away.
My stomach did not yearn for something that could fill me up. I felt satiated. I felt calm in my stomach. I have a strange disconnect with my stomach. I did not feel satiated. I did not feel ok. I was always looking for something that will satiate me. It really upset me to fell so needy. Not knowing what I needed.
I noticed right away that I had a content feeling. My stomach wasn’t calling out for anything to be quenched.