I have just met Tom Palidino through a mutual friend. Tom has created a new approach to healing with what I call “energy”. Explaining how he heals would take an entire article. What I want to say is he has been treating me and my Golden Retriever for the past two days. I took Buck to his vet today for more blood tests. He has had a deep respiratory infection since August or September. Today his blood tests were within the normal range. Two week ago he was 5000 above normal.

Tom has also worked on me in the last two days. I have been ill and exhausted since Thanksgiving. I’m not sure if I can give all the credit to Tom for my restoration to health, but I can certainly give him a lot of the credit.

Tom uses the word scalar where I would use orgone, chi, life force… or a host of other words. However he describes it, his technique works.

He is an engineer who became fascinated with Tesla during his undergraduate days. He was inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla, as to the existence of an energy that was not of the electromagnetic spectrum. With this inspiration, he pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness the Creative Strength, (scalar energy).

After years of experimentation and modification, he developed a technique using scalar energy that will transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly. Buck and I are proof that his technique works.

He has written a scores of articles. This is one that inspired me. One of the things I like best about Tom is he gives all the credit to God.

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