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Scalar Light Glossary


The ability of a Scalar Light force field to exist simultaneously in two (2) or more spatial environments.


A Scalar Light vortex of energy that instructs the soul, mind and body of a person. There are seven (7) main chakras that serve to interact with the Scalar Light force field of a person.

Creation of a nutrient

The ability of Scalar Light to create the Scalar Light force field of a nutrient.

Creative Strength

The Light of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, which is a synonymous term for Scalar Light. The Creative Strength encompasses the infinite intelligence of Jesus Christ and serves to instruct all action in the universe. The Creative Strength is a divine energy that is distinct from electromagnetic energy.

Disease Signature

All disease initiates as a Scalar Light disease signature within the Scalar Light dimension. Hence, all disease is informational in character as a Scalar Light force field must serve as the template for any disease to exist.

Divine Intelligence

The all-knowing mind of God. The Scalar Light Programs rely upon the all-knowing mind of God to identify and negate disease signatures.

Force Field

A Scalar Light body of information or intelligence.

Galen Hieronymus

An electrical engineer who had a distinguished career with the Kansas City Power & Light Company. Subsequently, through private research, Hieronymus discovered another form of energy that he called: eloptic energy. Hieronymus believed that all matter emits eloptic radiation that is not electromagnetic in character. That is, eloptic radiation exhibits characteristics of both light and electricity, and he coined the word “eloptic” by combining the words electricity and optic. Today, eloptic energy is frequently referred to as Scalar Energy or consciousness.

Negation of a pathogen

The ability of Scalar Light to reduce the Scalar Light force field of a pathogen to a state of chaos.

Nikola Tesla

The preeminent electrical engineer who is credited as the Father of AC Electricity. Later in life, Tesla discovered radiant energy or what is commonly referred to as Scalar Light. Tesla invented Scalar Light instruments thereby allowing him to harness the energy from the Sun which is Scalar Light.

Quantum entanglement

The theory that two (2) or more Scalar Light force fields communicate instantaneously within a Scalar Light dimension.

Quantum healing

The Scalar Light healing of a photographic force field.

Scalar Light

The Light of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Scalar light embodies the infinite intelligence of Jesus Christ and serves to instruct all action in the universe. Scalar light is a divine energy that is distinct from electromagnetic energy.

Scalar Light Program

The administration of Scalar Light upon Scalar Light photographic force fields. Scalar Light instruments administer Scalar Light to photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In so doing, the force fields embedded upon photographs are influenced by the Scalar Light instrument.


The unique information or intelligence for each spiritual, mental, emotional and physical action. All action in the universe is created and maintained by unique information or intelligence.


The rotation of a Scalar Wave. The forward rotation of a Scalar Wave will cause a forward flow time; whereas, the backward rotation of a Scalar Wave will cause a backward flow of time. Therefore, Scalar Light is the cause of time.


The infinite and ongoing creation of Jesus Christ. The universe was created by Scalar Light as only this infinite source of energy is able to create an infinite universe, instantaneously.


The photograph of a person, animal, plant or object that receives the administration of Scalar Light.